For several years, one of the services of the Missionary Oblate Partnership has been “capacity-building,” teaching developing-world Oblates and their collaborators “how to fish,” providing workshops on grantwriting, financial development and leadership. During the week of January 20-25, the Partnership traveled to Chennai, INDIA and delivered 2 workshops to Oblate leadership from India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka and an additional 2 workshops to local Oblate superiors of the India Province along with the women religious with whom they collaborate. The Partnership attended at the invitation of Francis Nallapan, OMI, Provincial of India, on behalf of the Asia-Oceana Regional Conference of OMI. The General Congregation also provided support via a travel stipend for Artie Pingolt to travel and deliver the workshops. Seen in the picture is also US Partner Len Busch, who traveled to India from Minnesota and also participated in the workshops.

Conferees are pictures at the site of the workshops, just below Thomas Mount, the site in Chennai where the Apostle Thomas is reputed to be buried. Past workshops have been provided in South Africa, Cameroun, Haiti, Peru and Sri Lanka. Additional workshops are planned for Ukraine and Brazil.

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